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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tribute to Cal Ripkin Jr. -- Ball With Mitt II 8x10" Oil on canvas (Commissioned Work)


Tribute to Babe Ruth -- Ball With Mitt III 8x10" Oil on canvas (Commissioned Work)


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hall Groat II Oil Painting: Volume V --Color Schemes & Harmonies--Instructional DVD (AVAILABLE!)

American artist, Hall Groat II, in his unique instructional DVD series demonstrates traditional oil painting color schemes and harmonies. In volume #5 he presents two hours of fully narrated demonstrations that introduce in great depth six unique color schemesand harmonies, including monochromatic, analogous, complementary,cool/warm, triadic and the tetrad harmony. In each of the demon-strations Hall paints a different California Bartlett pear and applies the six unique color schemes to six different pear paintings! He discusses the fundamentals of simple color harmonies, opposing color harmonies and classic balanced harmonies, and reveals the pros andcons of each! Each demonstration includes spectacular close-up shots of various colors being mixed together on the palette, and how the saturation and value of the colors are altered through both cool, achromatic neutrals and chromatic neutrals. Prior to each demonstration,Hall discusses how to specifically use the "color wheel" to plan out variations of each of the color harmonies. During the course of the demonstrations he references many of the basic concepts and techniques that were introduced within volumes #1-#3!

Hall Groat II Oil Painting: Volume IV --Tools, Practices & Principles--Instructional DVD (AVAILABLE!)

American artist, Hall Groat II, in his unique instructional DVD series demonstrates oil painting tools, practices, and principals. In volume #4 he presents two hours of fully narrated demonstrations that introduce a variety of fundamental concepts that are essential for learning how to paint in a traditional realist oil painting style! The two hours of solid instruction include a concise demonstration on how to specifically mix all 12 of the colors found on the color wheel
in a variety of tones, tints and shades, in addition to a presentation on how to successfully use the traditional color wheel! Hall also presents in great depth the exact oil paint colors he uses and how they are strategically arranged on his palette. He then describes in great detail the various types of oil painting brushes that are used by artists, in addition to properly using the traditional palette knife and glass scraper! Also, included is a thorough presentation on professionally stretching and sizing cotton canvas, which includes magnificent close-up details of the most ideal technique for neatly folding canvas corners. Hall also presents the traditional elements and principals of design, and how concepts such as balance, rhythm, repetition, and scale, serve as the foundation for unity, harmony, variation, hierarchy, and proportion. A dynamic presentation on how the the art element: value, is integral to the overall success of a traditional realist painting is also covered.

Hall Groat II Oil Painting: Volume III Instructional DVD (AVAILABLE!)

American artist, Hall Groat II, in his unique instructional DVD series demonstrates the techniques of the lost art of traditional realist oil painting. In volume #3 he presents two fully narrated, one-hour comprehensive demonstrations! The two hours of solid instruction include compositions involving a railroad conductor's pocket watch with all of its intricate detailing resting on a vintage leather book, and a scrumptious cluster of Oreo cookies with a fresh glass of milk!

Hall Groat II Oil Painting: Volume II Instructional DVD (AVAILABLE!)

American artist, Hall Groat II, in his unique instructional DVD series demonstrates the techniques of the lost art of traditional realist oil painting. In volume #2 he presents three fully narrated, comprehensive demonstrations, including 2 hours of solid instruction. The demonstrations included are of compo-sitions involving: a classic American baseball with all of its intricate red stitching, three luminous white eggs set against a rich, dark background, and a lovely grouping of violet grapesresting within a ornate gold vintage creamer!
Through Hall's innovative step-by-step approach, he outlines the painting process that was used by such 19th century painters as Edgar Degas and Edouard Manet. Using an easily understood teaching approach, Hall reveals the secrets behind creating dramatic light and shadow illusions to compelling atmospheric spaces, all the way to rendering convincing three-dimensional illusions of form and space.

Bell Pepper 8"x8" Oil (SOLD!)


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pomegranate With Knife "EXOTIC FRUIT" 8x8" (SOLD!)


BLUE MUSSEL SHELL "Mytilus edulis" 8x8" (SOLD)

This is among the most common and widespread marine bivalves. It has been widely used as food for centuries, especially in Europe, where it is raised commercially in marine "farms." According to Rachel Carson, it is a "virtually untapped shellfish resource."

Saturday, September 01, 2007



This is one of my favorite paintings; it contains formal elements that are akin to what I find so engaging about 19th century painterly naturalism. I'd also like to add that the "A Painting A Day" international art movement is liberating both artists and collectors alike. I truly enjoy making paintings and feeling unencumbered by over-intellectualism. On several levels one can equate Marcel Duchamp's subversive introduction of Dadaism to the art world to the "A Painting A Day" movement in the sense that one can work in a liberated fashion, and not feel compelled to over-think the process of art making. I see possiblilities for making art every where I turn; subjects present themselves to me.